We provide training & development solutions
We develop teams’ leadership potential
We provide training & development solutions
In this fast-paced world, it is necessary for the entrepreneurs to increase their awareness and strengthen the team in order to ameliorate business performance, while also leaving a room for flexibility and trying out new solutions.
How to strengthen the connection with the team in the context of a multicultural teams and international business?
How to boost performance of the existing team despite of ongoing changes?
What to do if there is a feeling of lack of trust and confidence within the team?
The business owners commonly ask themselves:
What to do if there is a feeling of lack of trust and confidence within the team?
The various challenges of recent years are calling for
innovative approaches, decisions and skills’ sets
innovative approaches, decisions and skills’ sets
In this fast-paced world, it is necessary for the entrepreneurs to increase their awareness and strengthen the team
in order to ameliorate business performance, while also leaving a room for flexibility and trying out new solutions.
в контексте постоянных изменений.
Anastassia Belyakova founded Add One Touch, a premier training and development company. Her career path included several years at a top management position at The Leading Hotels of the World, where she excelled in operational management and sales across Russia and the CIS. She was also the founder leader of a marketing agency that successfully integrated international hospitality businesses into new markets, earning recognition as one of the industry’s top 10 companies. Currently, Anastassia serves as a mentor for leaders in various industries providing them with support and guidance in their leadership journeys. She is also the producer of Balanciada project, focused on work-life balance and enhancing the quality of life for entrepreneurs and leaders.
With over 20 years
This belief became one of the reasons I created Add One Touch — a company, the core aim of which is to assist businesses in their growth through leveling up the leadership skills and unity of the team.
Managing big and small teams, local as well as international, I realised the significance that a shared vision and communication with the team have for achieving the results beyond the ordinary.
of entrepreneurial and leadership experience
You are as strong as the weakest member of your team.
The management team is not preforming at their best
requests of business owners who approach us:
I am tired of mentoring and micromanaging my team. It is too time-consuming
Departments’ Heads cannot come to an agreement and seem to fight for power
I am not sure my team has the same perspective as I do, so I am not confident they can move forward with me
I do not have resources to research and stay aware of which competencies of the team should be revised or expanded, and we do not have anyone in-house to monitor this systematically
We are most efficient when the entreprise is actively growing. At this stage of company’s development, commonly there are no enough resources within the company to train top-managers, while building an HRD (Human Resources Development) is not yet necessary or financially viable for the business’s needs and targets.
When do you need us?
TEAM OF 500+ people
There is an HR, but his main focus is on recruitment, operations set up and onboarding / training of front line employees
It is evident that the team needs to be trained, but it is unclear on what to focus

HR cannot respond to this challenge, while it is yet too early for an in-house HRD or Training Manager
There is an in-house HRD department and a fully functioning employees’ training and development system
Our approach
Analysis of behavioural potential and providing individual development plan for each team member
Our goal is strengthening the bonds and confidence within the team so they can autonomously move forward together, navigating even the most complex situations. We create ideal conditions for successful learning and establishing long-lasting changes in competencies development of your team.
How do we do what we do:
Introductory session: clarifying the request and setting a clear final project objective
Preliminary offer: you receive a plan, including stage, time frames and estimated costs
Behavioural aspects' diagnostic: figuring out competencies and talents of each team member
Training and strategy-targeted sessions according to IDP
Creating the training plan: a methodologist creates an Individual Development Plan (IDP) according to the results of the diagnostic, roles within the team and the company’s goals
Discussion of the diagnostic’s results: talking through aims and areas of improvement of each team member to create a training and development plan
Post-training support with experienced coaches and mentors to ensure a long-lasting impact of the sessions
Supporting the top-management team for smooth implementation of new skills
for the business and the owner
All of this is achieved by creating a shared perspective and strengthening the trust within the team
Confidence that the team is a well-established support network
Opportunity to focus more on the strategy rather than operational aspects
The team works smoothly
Team leads constructive discussions of questions arising within the team
The team is proactive about the company’s growth and strategic objectives
Team members look beyond their department or their role
The team seaks for solutions rather than explanations
The team takes on responsibility in tough situations
The team works to uphold the company’s values
Team members are motivated
Some of the business cases
where we provided support:
Some of the business cases
Case 1.
How to navigate the chaos while the company’s structure transforms into a matrix one while keep on working for the clients?
Local branch of a big international IT company.
The restructuring of the company called for major amendments to the existing layout of positions within the office and shift from hierarchical structure to a matrix one. To accommodate the new structure, significant amendments of managerial functions, accountability and responsibility areas was needed. The transition period was regarded by majority of the stakeholders as a complete chaos, and the key question was “How to continue to work for the clients without interrupting while managing the restructure?”. Additional challenges were potentially unclear distribution of responsibilities, possible lack of human resources and lack of swiftness of some of the processes for an undefined period of time.

After diagnostic of the stakeholders’ requests, we have provided a series of facilitation sessions for coming up with solutions regarding communications within and outside the company.

In the course of the sessions, the participants had an opportunity to share their fears, doubts, perception of upcoming changes. The participants have highlighted that sharing their thoughts and seeing that others are also having a difficult moment was one of the most impactful outcomes of those sessions. Moreover, the participants came up with more than 40 initiatives targeted at minimising the risks during the transition period and increasing transparency of the processes. They chose 6 initiatives for further implementation. A detailed roadmap was created and initiatives’ leaders were appointed.
Case 2.
«We need to learn how to be on the same page and understand each other»
Business’s specialty:
B2B marketplace for booking flights and train tickets, hotels and additional travel services.
By the time we were involved, the enterprise has grown several times, which resulted in all side effects of fast-paced development of a company: absence of coordination, misunderstandings and conflicts among the partners.
The main request the leader has put as “we need to learn how to be on the same page and understand each other”.

We interviewed the departments’ heads and identified the bottlenecks in communication. The next stage was the diagnostic of behavioural profiles of all the managerial partners, the map of the the team was created and debriefs with the leaders was held. Afterwards we organised a training on specifics of communication according to typology DISC/Motivators, with an emphasis on cross-functional interaction and inter-team communication.

In the course of personal diagnostic, the top managers have understood the reasons underlying the conflicts, learned practical skills for more efficient and productive communication. The company also implemented the DISC methodology diagnostics as a part of their recruitment process. We continue to interact with the company in the format of regular strategic sessions to keep track of the results and for further planning.
Case 3.
Training the managers of management skills for effective company’s growth
Business’s specialty:
Big supplier of ready-to-eat meals sold in vending machines in business centres and public transport.
The team leaders were not trained previously. The managers were often promoted from linear managerial positions, which did not automatically mean that they had necessary management skills and competencies. The key stakeholder emphasised the need for training the team leaders the necessary managerial skills.

We conducted diagnostics of managerial competencies, as well as of behavioural profiles of the leaders to assess their potential and possible support required from the company. Created and executed individual training plans that included one-on-one mentoring sessions, coaching sessions, provided training to develop key managerial skills according to IDP for each of the managers.

Throughout 12 months, all managers have received the required training according to their IDPs, as well as support through mentoring and coaching. The team leaders have received an outer source of support for finding solutions while simultaneously developing their autonomous managerial competencies. We continue to work with the company to conduct diagnostics of potential employees at the recruitment stage.
Case 4.
Training the managers on leadership skills: how to influence the team, build relationships and sort out the priorities
Business’s specialty:
A 5-star hotel, best-in-class in the area.
The company has been paying a lot of attention to educate the employees on the standards of hospitality. However, there was no formal training for the managers, or it was limited to the safety and quality basics. The managers of different teams had different experience: for some of them it is their first leadership position, while others have already managed a team(s) at their previous work place. The client assigned great significance to levelling up the managers’ leadership skills: influencing the team, building relationships and sorting out the priorities.

We conducted a diagnostic of behavioural profiles and provided training sessions focused on effective communication within the team, delegation skills, setting out the objectives, time management and planning. The managers have received a debrief session on the team’s diagnostic’s results.

The managers have received the required training and post-training support to facilitate the implementation of the achieved results. In the following 6 months, the stuff turnover was reduced by 10% and the rate of the employees’ satisfaction from working in the company has increased. The managers noted a higher involvement rate among their teams.
Case 1.
How to navigate the chaos while the company’s structure transforms into a matrix one while keep on working for the clients?
Local branch of a big international IT company.
The restructuring of the company called for major amendments to the existing layout of positions within the office and shift from hierarchical structure to a matrix one. To accommodate the new structure, significant amendments of managerial functions, accountability and responsibility areas was needed. The transition period was regarded by majority of the stakeholders as a complete chaos, and the key question was “How to continue to work for the clients without interrupting while managing the restructure?”. Additional challenges were potentially unclear distribution of responsibilities, possible lack of human resources and lack of swiftness of some of the processes for an undefined period of time.

After diagnostic of the stakeholders’ requests, we have provided a series of facilitation sessions for coming up with solutions regarding communications within and outside the company.

In the course of the sessions, the participants had an opportunity to share their fears, doubts, perception of upcoming changes. The participants have highlighted that sharing their thoughts and seeing that others are also having a difficult moment was one of the most impactful outcomes of those sessions. Moreover, the participants came up with more than 40 initiatives targeted at minimising the risks during the transition period and increasing transparency of the processes. They chose 6 initiatives for further implementation. A detailed roadmap was created and initiatives’ leaders were appointed.
Case 2.
«We need to learn how to be on the same page and understand each other»
Business’s specialty:
B2B marketplace for booking flights and train tickets, hotels and additional travel services.
By the time we were involved, the enterprise has grown several times, which resulted in all side effects of fast-paced development of a company: absence of coordination, misunderstandings and conflicts among the partners.
The main request the leader has put as “we need to learn how to be on the same page and understand each other”.

We interviewed the departments’ heads and identified the bottlenecks in communication. The next stage was the diagnostic of behavioural profiles of all the managerial partners, the map of the the team was created and debriefs with the leaders was held. Afterwards we organised a training on specifics of communication according to typology DISC/Motivators, with an emphasis on cross-functional interaction and inter-team communication.

In the course of personal diagnostic, the top managers have understood the reasons underlying the conflicts, learned practical skills for more efficient and productive communication. The company also implemented the DISC methodology diagnostics as a part of their recruitment process. We continue to interact with the company in the format of regular strategic sessions to keep track of the results and for further planning.
Case 3.
Training the managers of management skills for effective company’s growth
Business’s specialty:
Big supplier of ready-to-eat meals sold in vending machines in business centres and public transport.
The team leaders were not trained previously. The managers were often promoted from linear managerial positions, which did not automatically mean that they had necessary management skills and competencies. The key stakeholder emphasised the need for training the team leaders the necessary managerial skills.

We conducted diagnostics of managerial competencies, as well as of behavioural profiles of the leaders to assess their potential and possible support required from the company. Created and executed individual training plans that included one-on-one mentoring sessions, coaching sessions, provided training to develop key managerial skills according to IDP for each of the managers.

Throughout 12 months, all managers have received the required training according to their IDPs, as well as support through mentoring and coaching. The team leaders have received an outer source of support for finding solutions while simultaneously developing their autonomous managerial competencies. We continue to work with the company to conduct diagnostics of potential employees at the recruitment stage.
Case 4.
Training the managers on leadership skills: how to influence the team, build relationships and sort out the priorities
Business’s specialty:
A 5-star hotel, best-in-class in the area.
The company has been paying a lot of attention to educate the employees on the standards of hospitality. However, there was no formal training for the managers, or it was limited to the safety and quality basics. The managers of different teams had different experience: for some of them it is their first leadership position, while others have already managed a team(s) at their previous work place. The client assigned great significance to levelling up the managers’ leadership skills: influencing the team, building relationships and sorting out the priorities.

We conducted a diagnostic of behavioural profiles and provided training sessions focused on effective communication within the team, delegation skills, setting out the objectives, time management and planning. The managers have received a debrief session on the team’s diagnostic’s results.

The managers have received the required training and post-training support to facilitate the implementation of the achieved results. In the following 6 months, the stuff turnover was reduced by 10% and the rate of the employees’ satisfaction from working in the company has increased. The managers noted a higher involvement rate among their teams.
Our clients about us
In the last two years our project’s turnover, profit and market share have grown 4 times. Additionally, remote working during the pandemic has demonstrated the strength of our team.
Victoria Kizimova
CEO, «My Agent»
It is very important for me to keep everything organised, so I can track the performance and ensure all of the commitments are carried out as planned.

What is distinct about Anastasia’s approach? Probably, the best way to put it is simple – on every stage of our cooperation I have received more than I hoped for. This was clear even in the moment, and it is a very refreshing feeling.

It’s been two years. Nearly immediately after the first training, two people left the company, which was the right decision both for the company and for themselves – it was not their cup of tea. The training sessions helped everyone to realise that. We are constantly using the skills we picked up during the sessions, and they work. In these two years, our project’s turnover, profit and market share have grown 4 times. Additionally, the work from home during the pandemic has demonstrated the strength of our team. We understand each other better now, and partially it is due to Anastasia’s and her team’s effort. Thank you!
The training has been actually tailored to us, so not a single minute was wasted, which is crucial for busy people.
Elena Panina
COO, Unifest
We are grateful for your high-quality work and we want to thank you for the training that has been actually tailored to us in a way that not a single minute was wasted, which is crucial for busy people.

Identifying your and others’ type of behaviour, knowing advantages and disadvantages of each of the types, the skills of prioritising mutually beneficial solutions, resolving the conflicts by the cooperation method, the steps to constructively leave the conflict, the rules of negative feedback and inclusion of the other party into constructive solution of the situation – all of these competencies are essential to know, regardless of the service’s industry.

Furthermore, the post-training support was very thought-through, and it reassured us that the team has picked up the taught competencies and is happily and productively using it on a daily basis. We will definitely return to you over and over again.
We saw those resources that we were not using to the maximum, our strengths and weaknesses, and realised the key role setting out clear goals and joining the efforts play in achieving the desired results.
Natalia Lipets
Vice-President Advisor, Academservice
Interaction with AddOneTouch and FreshBiz Center Russia was a new stage in our team’s development, and this is why it was so important. We saw those resources that we were not using to the maximum, our strengths and weaknesses, and realised the key role setting out clear goals and joining the efforts play in achieving the desired results. I am happy that I chose you as our first professional trainer. I wish you all the success. I am sure that we will work together again!
The training has brought us several steps further.
Victor Dimitrov
CEO, Leading Consulting Group
We want to thank you for the cooperation and the attention that was paid to our goals and requests as a client. Creating a plan that would be aligned with our current targets was crucial for us. I can definitely say that the training has brought us several steps forward. We are grateful for the trainer’ professionalism, involvement, optimism and great atmosphere during the sessions.
This training is not just beneficial, it is essential for building rapport with various types of people in different trivial and business circumstances.
Denis Valeev
Director of Public Relations, Pososhok.ru
From time to time, we all act as a buyer, a seller or a mediator. The training Effective Communications provides you with a basis of human psychology. As a consequence, you start to understand people’s behavior in different situations. This training has a good balance of theory and practice, allowing you to figure out the psychological type of your interlocutor and the right strategy of your behaviour, which leads to the outcome you want.

The methods of protection in stressful situations, studied in the course of the training, will help you to react correctly in a case of facing psychological aggression and minimise negative impact of cue situation on your mental health.
This training is not just beneficial, it is essential for building rapport with various types of people in different trivial and business situations.
In the last two years our project’s turnover, profit and market share have grown 4 times. Additionally, remote working during the pandemic has demonstrated the strength of our team.
Victoria Kizimova
CEO, «My Agent»
It is very important for me to keep everything organised, so I can track the performance and ensure all of the commitments are carried out as planned.

What is distinct about Anastasia’s approach? Probably, the best way to put it is simple – on every stage of our cooperation I have received more than I hoped for. This was clear even in the moment, and it is a very refreshing feeling.

It’s been two years. Nearly immediately after the first training, two people left the company, which was the right decision both for the company and for themselves – it was not their cup of tea. The training sessions helped everyone to realise that. We are constantly using the skills we picked up during the sessions, and they work. In these two years, our project’s turnover, profit and market share have grown 4 times. Additionally, the work from home during the pandemic has demonstrated the strength of our team. We understand each other better now, and partially it is due to Anastasia’s and her team’s effort. Thank you!
The training has been actually tailored to us, so not a single minute was wasted, which is crucial for busy people.
Elena Panina
COO, Unifest
We are grateful for your high-quality work and we want to thank you for the training that has been actually tailored to us in a way that not a single minute was wasted, which is crucial for busy people.

Identifying your and others’ type of behaviour, knowing advantages and disadvantages of each of the types, the skills of prioritising mutually beneficial solutions, resolving the conflicts by the cooperation method, the steps to constructively leave the conflict, the rules of negative feedback and inclusion of the other party into constructive solution of the situation – all of these competencies are essential to know, regardless of the service’s industry.

Furthermore, the post-training support was very thought-through, and it reassured us that the team has picked up the taught competencies and is happily and productively using it on a daily basis. We will definitely return to you over and over again.
We saw those resources that we were not using to the maximum, our strengths and weaknesses, and realised the key role setting out clear goals and joining the efforts play in achieving the desired results.
Natalia Lipets
Vice-President Advisor, Academservice
Interaction with AddOneTouch and FreshBiz Center Russia was a new stage in our team’s development, and this is why it was so important. We saw those resources that we were not using to the maximum, our strengths and weaknesses, and realised the key role setting out clear goals and joining the efforts play in achieving the desired results. I am happy that I chose you as our first professional trainer. I wish you all the success. I am sure that we will work together again!
The training has brought us several steps further.
Victor Dimitrov
CEO, Leading Consulting Group
We want to thank you for the cooperation and the attention that was paid to our goals and requests as a client. Creating a plan that would be aligned with our current targets was crucial for us. I can definitely say that the training has brought us several steps forward. We are grateful for the trainer’ professionalism, involvement, optimism and great atmosphere during the sessions.
This training is not just beneficial, it is essential for building rapport with various types of people in different trivial and business circumstances.
Denis Valeev
Director of Public Relations, Pososhok.ru
From time to time, we all act as a buyer, a seller or a mediator. The training Effective Communications provides you with a basis of human psychology. As a consequence, you start to understand people’s behavior in different situations. This training has a good balance of theory and practice, allowing you to figure out the psychological type of your interlocutor and the right strategy of your behaviour, which leads to the outcome you want.

The methods of protection in stressful situations, studied in the course of the training, will help you to react correctly in a case of facing psychological aggression and minimise negative impact of cue situation on your mental health.
This training is not just beneficial, it is essential for building rapport with various types of people in different trivial and business situations.
Add One Touch is a Value Add Associate of TTI SI — the world leader in personnel assessment based on technological tools at the intersection of IT and scientific research of personality.
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To see the room for improvement of your company through strengthening your team